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Monday 9 March 2020


The rise in temperatures is a consequence that we ourselves have suffered. we should think for a moment what this change encompasses, a clear example is the melting of the poles, places where species such as the polar bear or penguins live, species that are only of that habitat, and to which we are sending practically to an end, that is to say its extinction. obviously this is not a unique pollution factor, in addition to this is the spread of diseases, one of the most prominent examples is cancer. Over time, the organs can no longer perform their normal functions. Some of these cancers are caused by substances in the environment: cigarette or cigarette smoke, asbestos, radiation, both natural and man-made chemicals, alcohol and sunlight.
That is why once again I want to encourage people to care for and permanently review the preservation of our planet, this is not one person, it belongs to everyone, we are all guests of the earth, but apparently we are abusing too.
Resultado de imagen de contaminacion

Taken from: https://elblogverde.com/la-contaminacion/

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